Category Archives: Europe

Cologne/Köln concert to be broadcast on WDR3

On January 24, 2015, exactly 40 years after it took place, the “Köln Concert” will be broadcast on WDR3 (Germany), at 8 PM. The broadcast will include background information about the concert from Ian Carr and Peter Elsdon.

Thanks to Arnulf for the information.

Update (January 26, 2015). Belgian classical radio station Klara also did a program about the Köln concert and other ECM artists. It’s still available here. Thanks to Toon for the link.

Bremen 1975 solo concert to be broadcast by Radio Bremen on November 23, 2014

The February 2, 1975 solo concert at the Glocke in Bremen will be broadcast by Radio Bremen on Sunday, November 23, 2014, at 20:05. This is a two-part concert, with one encore (“Treasure Island”). More information can be found on the Radio Bremen website. Don’t miss it if you can!

Thanks to Maurizio for the information.