“Mysteries/Shades” re-release

“Mysteries” and “Shades” (both originally released in 1975) have just been re-released as a single CD by Impulse! / Universal Music Group, at least in Europe (they’re listed as domestic releases on Amazon Germany and UK). They were previously available on CD as Japanese imports or as part of the “Mysteries: Impulse Years 1975-1977” boxed set. Thanks to Jon for the information!

Next album, “Rio”, to be released on October 25, 2011?

"Rio" cover

"Rio" cover

Keith Jarrett’s next album, a recording of the April 9, 2011 solo concert in Rio de Janeiro, is now listed on Amazon (US, UK, and France). It will apparently be released on October 25, 2011 and will simply be called “Rio”. It is also interesting to note that it is going to be a 2-CD set (meaning that it will include the entire concert?). Thanks to Olivier for this information!

Update (August 29, 2011). According to Amazon Germany, “Rio” will be released on October 1, 2011. Thanks to Jonas for letting me know!

Update (September 1, 2011). Amazon now has the cover art for “Rio”. Also, the release date for the US is apparently October 18, 2011.

Update (September 30, 2011). The release dates for “Rio” on Amazon are now: October 19 (Japan), October 25 (France), November 4 (Germany), November 7 (UK), and November 8 (US).